
Eastern route in Soria

Villar del Río, Fuentesalvo, San Pedro de Manrique, San Ventosa de San Pedro (San Roque site), Mantasejún (Las Adoberas), Valles de Valdelalosa y Fuentes de Magaña

We can travel by private vehicle or public transportation along regional road SO 630 from Villar del Río to Fuentes de Magaña.  Difficulty: Easy

The Aula Paleontológica (Paleontological Resource Center) of the Soria provincial government is found in Villar del Río. This reception center for visitors exploring the route of dinosaur tracks in Soria is a must stop for anyone interested in gaining knowledge and understanding these fossil remains.  It includes an interactive exhibit and the option of setting up tours of the site in the company of paleontologists who can best explain this remote past.  The exhibit also includes information panels, life-size replicas of the dinosaurs, miniatures, audiovisual material, dinosaur toys and a play center for younger children.

From Villar del Río, we drive on to Fuentesalvo to see the tracks of theropod dinosaurs. Theropods were carnivorous  and omnivorous predators. These fierce-looking creatures lived in the late Triassic and late Cretaceous periods. They were found on every continent and could reach 15 meters in length.

After returning to Villar del Río, we then travel to San Pedro de Manrique, home of the Parque de Aventuras Cretácico (Cretaceous Adventure Park).  The theme of this outdoor adventure area revolves around the fossilized tracks of dinosaurs and other reptiles.  The park combines fun features for the entire family and enables us to learn a little more about our past in an enjoyable, entertaining way.

From there, we move on to Ventosa San Pedro, where we can visit the San Roque site found there, and find theropod tracks and a replica of one of those dinosaurs.

Later we ride on to Matasejún, where we find the Las Adoberas site. Tracks left behind by theropods and also ornithopods can be seen there. The ornithopods could grow to measure anywhere from 1 to 15 meters long. They had thick lower legs that enabled them to walk and upper limbs that were much smaller. They lived in the early Jurassic and late Cretaceous periods, a very common species found on every continent.

We continue on towards Valles de Valdelalosa in order to view the site there with tracks left by sauropods, ornithopods, theropods and pterosaurs. The pterosaurs (flying reptiles group) could have wingspans measuring anywhere from half a meter to 12 meters. They lived in the late Triassic and late Cretaceous and inhabited every continent. They were carrion eaters but also fed on mollusks, insects, etc.

We finish off the route in Fuentes de Magaña, where we can view replicas of these fantastic creatures.

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